Welcome to our team! We're a dedicated cohort of graduate students from UC Berkeley driven by our shared passion for environmental preservation through innovative technology. What sets us apart is our rich diversity of backgrounds, which brings a unique blend of perspectives and skills to the table. Together, we form the perfect synergy to tackle the challenges of our project head-on.

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Scott Kao, Project Management

Scott is a seasoned professional with 20 years of expertise in software development and IT project management. With his master’s degree in data science, his passion is to leverage data science for enhancing everyday experiences. Scott's deep involvement in the maritime sector fuels his determination to tackle pressing environmental challenges, particularly focusing on mitigating one of the most significant threats to ocean ecosystems: oil spills. Through his work, he endeavors to deliver effective data science solutions that not only address marine pollution but also contribute to safeguarding our planet for future generations.

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Sameer Shinde, Model Evaluation and MVP Application Developer

Sameer, also known as Sam, is a financial applications implementation specialist with over 21 years of experience, specialized in process re-engineering, data analysis, and systematizing processes. With a master’s degree in data science, he is driven by a dual passion: integrating AI/ML technologies into the intricate domain of finance and utilizing his data science acumen to tackle societal challenges, particularly environmental issues. Driven by this commitment, our collaborative efforts focused on addressing the pressing issue of oil spills. Our objective was to develop an advanced, fully automated oil spill detection system, employing cutting-edge machine learning techniques to ensure timely and accurate identification of such incidents.

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KT Norton, Machine Learning Engineer

KT is a machine learning engineer and data scientist, leveraging her career in computer vision and satellite imagery to develop a solution for a cause she deeply cares about. Her mission is to contribute to the creation of a healthier ocean environment.

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Snithika Reddy, Infrastructure / Data Engineer

Snithika is a passionate software engineer dedicated to merging software, data engineering and machine learning for the cause of ocean conservation. Committed to safeguarding marine ecosystems for future generations, she strives to pioneer technological advancements in environmental preservation.

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Ranadip Acharya, EDA and Machine Learning

Ranadip, an aerospace engineer by profession, is passionate about integrating multi-physics and data-driven models. His goal is to leverage data science solutions to mitigate marine pollution and take the learning to optimize energy usage in industrial settings.